Get involved. Click the links below for info.
Youth. Find a Post and learn more about Fire Exploring.
Fire Exploring is an extension of Boy Scouts of America under an umbrella called Learning For Life. Exploring is for youth ages 14-20 who wish to learn more about the many career opportunities that exist before putting time and energy into education, training, or other pursuits. Fire Exploring is unique as many youth train side-by-side with firefighters in their community, wear turnout gear, participate in community events, and in some cases may even get hands-on experience with emergency calls.
Adults. See local Posts and learn how easy it is to host at your organization.
Whether you're a Fire Chief, Firefighter, EMT, simply a parent - there are many ways to get involved with Exploring. While a process needs to be followed to start a new Post, MN-FEA is here to help! We are happy to provide template documents for policies, SOG's, uniforms, curriculum, expectations, budgeting, and answer any questions you may have.
Businesses/Partners. See how you can get involved and support our mission.
Whether you want to sponsor an event, speak to our youth, offer a service, or make a simple donation - WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT. Over the years, many businesses and organization have worked with us to provide value to both our youth and your business. We are always open to ideas and ways to improve the experience for our youth while offering recognition in return. Contact our Board for more information.